Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Life's good, let's stay healthy to enjoy it

My Paper, Tuesday, January 10, 2012, Page A17, Viewpoints
By Geoff Tan

It’s sad, but it’s true. We’re chubbier whether we like it or not. We see more number of people suffering from gout, heart disease, high cholesterol, cancer, diabetes, slipped disc and obesity.
PHOTO: It’s sad, but it’s true. We’re chubbier whether we like it or not. We see more number of people suffering from gout, heart disease, high cholesterol, cancer, diabetes, slipped disc and obesity.

PHOTO: Geoff Tan
The writer is a senior vice-president of Singapore Press Holdings’ marketing division.
My Paper, Tuesday, January 10, 2012, Page A17, Viewpoints

In the past 12 months, I've encountered more people who have had their lives disrupted due to ill health, medical conditions, sports injuries or poor fitness than at any other point in my life.

This comes, ironically, in an era when life expectancy has risen substantially. According to, Singaporeans had an average life expectancy of 63.7 years in 1960. Fifty years on, this has risen to 82.1 years.

We are living in a time of unhealthy food choices, elevated alcohol consumption and a plethora (an excess) of new diseases.

This can be attributed to factors such as improved medical care and disease-prevention measures, better sanitation and a lower infant mortality rate.

On the flip side, however, we are also living in a time of unhealthy food choices, elevated alcohol consumption and a plethora (an excess) of new diseases.

Get thinking about developing dexterity, agility, balance and flexibility. It’s great to be fit, but when add co-ordination to it, it’s a game changer. Suddenly able to move with poise, confidence and a natural flow.
PHOTO: Get thinking about developing dexterity, agility, balance and flexibility. It’s great to be fit, but when add co-ordination to it, it’s a game changer. Suddenly able to move with poise, confidence and a natural flow.

Someone once commented that "we've traded dying earlier from work-related accidents, pneumonia or contagious diseases for living longer, but in a chronic state of health problems".

Doctors I've spoken with have admitted that they are better at prescribing drugs and treatments to alleviate symptoms in patients, than dishing out dietary and lifestyle recommendations to help prevent ailments.

Doctors admitted that they are better at prescribing drugs and treatments to alleviate symptoms in patients, than dishing out dietary and lifestyle recommendations to help prevent ailments.
PHOTO: Doctors admitted that they are better at prescribing drugs and treatments to alleviate symptoms in patients, than dishing out dietary and lifestyle recommendations to help prevent ailments.

As the level of affluence in Singapore has risen over the last decade - we now see more millionaires, Michelin restaurants and exotic cars, along with casinos and Formula One - so, too, has the number of people suffering from gout, heart disease, high cholesterol, cancer, diabetes, slipped disc and obesity.

Exercise challenge - Breakdown workout to a healthier level

On the topic of obesity in Singapore, over 10 per cent are now affected, from 6 per cent five years ago.

I was part of this statistic just over a year ago, when I woke up one morning and - standing on the scales - was shocked that my weight had hit an all-time high of 78kg.

PHOTO: Shocked that my weight had hit an all-time high of 78kg. To exercise choose a good partner (or do it alone, if you can).

Determined to bring it down to a healthier level I embarked on a low-carbohydrate diet and lost 10kg in 10 months. But, although I felt much lighter and could fit comfortably into my old clothes, my blood-test results showed elevated cholesterol levels.

This made me even more determined to rectify the situation. I switched to a plant-based diet - the Rave Diet - and, in three months, my total-cholesterol reading fell from 242 to 187, while LDL dropped from 157 to 102. My cholesterol-to-HDL ratio dropped from 3.5 to 2.8.

Exercises helps to keep us emotionally stable, balanced and centred. The most interesting, training can help find peace and balance in all areas of life.
PHOTO: Exercises helps to keep us emotionally stable, balanced and centred. The most interesting, training can help find peace and balance in all areas of life.

I'd like to think that most heart surgery could be prevented, if only we were a little more conscious about what we eat and found the time to exercise.

Life is about having an equitable balance of living well and being in the best shape possible.

Life is about having an equitable balance of living well and being in the best shape possible.

May you live long and live well. Here's to a healthier year ahead!
By Geoff Tan

The writer is a senior vice-president of Singapore Press Holdings' marketing division.

May you live long and live well. Here's to a healthier year ahead!

Remember: Before starting any physical activity see a doctor and a physical education professional.

我的字典: Wǒ de zì diǎn

Life expectancy: 平均寿命 - píng jūn shòu mìng
Pneumonia: 肺炎 - fèi yán
Gout: 痛风 - tòng fēng
Heart Surgery: 心脏手术 - xīn zàng shǒu shù


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