Thursday, January 12, 2012

Find out how S'pore streets got their names

My Paper, Thursday, January 12, 2012, Page A6, Home
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By Daryll Nanayakara, my paper, Thursday, Jan 12, 2012

PHOTO: A new exhibition, Stories Behind Singapore Streets, was launched yesterday at the National Library Building by Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew, and will run until June 29.

For almost 50 years after Tan Tock Seng Hospital moved to its present site in 1909, Jalan Tan Tock Seng was just an unnamed road.

The road, which leads to the hospital, was named in street directories only from the mid-1960s. However, mystery still surrounds when the road was named.

This is just one tidbit of information that a new exhibition, Stories Behind Singapore Streets, aims to share.

It was launched yesterday at the National Library Building by Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew, and will run until June 29.

The showcase by the National Library Board traces the stories behind street names and the evolution of street-naming methods from pre-colonial times to modern-day Singapore.

Also on display are maps, photographs and old street signs that provide an insight into street names.
By Daryll Nanayakara, my paper, Thursday, Jan 12, 2012

Modern-day Singapore
PHOTO: Modern-day Singapore
Singapore was suggested by John Aspey who wrote:
"I think Singapore has got to be by far the cleanest city in the world, as a country they have been thoroughly educated about the importance of protecting the environment and their beautiful country, littering is totally prohibited and from a young age people are taught to appreciate 'keeping things clean'."


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