Thursday, May 10, 2012

高安 (Gāo​' ān) 我是否也在你心中 (wǒ shì​ fǒu yě zài nǐ xīn zhōng) - Am I in your heart?

Source Website: - (Picture) - (Lyrics) - (Lyrics)

真的很想问一声:我是否也在你心中。如果在,明知我在等,为何没有回应?Really want to ask: If I am in your heart. If yes, knowing that I'm waiting, why do not respond?
PHOTO: 真的很想问一声:我是否也在你心中。如果在,明知我在等,为何没有回应?

歌曲(gē qǔ) Song我是否也在你心中 (wǒ shì​ fǒu yě zài nǐ xīn zhōng) - Am I in your heart?
歌手(gē shǒu) Singer高安 (Gāo​' ān)
作曲(zuò​ qǔ) Composer张锦华(Zhāng jǐn Huà)
作词(zuò cí) Lyrics香烟有毒(xiāng ​yān yǒu ​dú) - Cigarette is poisonous?

高:默默的等 - Waiting in silence
Gāo: mò​ mò dí děng

等你在网络中 - Waiting for you among the path (network)
děng nǐ zài wǎng ​luò zhōng

等你的心 - Waiting for your heart
děng nǐ de xīn

每天把你梦 - Dream of you everyday
měi​ tiān bǎ nǐ mèng

囚:难舍这份情 - Difficult to abandon this love
qiú: nán shě zhè fèn qíng

难舍我的梦 - Difficult to abandon my dream
nán shě wǒ de mèng

越等越冷 - The more I wait the colder I become
yuè děng yuè lěng

越心痛 - the more distress (heartache)
yuè xīn ​tòng

高:无论风雨中 - Regardless of whatever trials and hardships
Gāo: wú​ lùn fēng ​yǔ zhōng

囚:无论网络多冰冷 - No matter how ice-cold the path is
qiú: wú​ lùn wǎng ​luò duō bīng​ lěng

合:我的心里早已把你深种 - My heart has for a long time consider you intimately
hé: wǒ de xīn ​li zǎo ​yǐ bǎ nǐ shēn zhǒng

高:我问问雨 - I ask the rain
Gāo: wǒ wèn wèn yǔ

囚:我问问风 - I ask the wind
qiú: wǒ wèn wèn fēng

合:我是否也在你梦中 - Whether I am also your dreams
hé: wǒ shì​ fǒu yě zài nǐ mèng​ zhōng

高:我问问雨 - I ask the rain
Gāo: wǒ wèn wèn yǔ

囚:我问问风 - I ask the wind
qiú: wǒ wèn wèn fēng

合:我是否也在你心中 - Whether I am also your heart
hé: wǒ shì​ fǒu yě zài nǐ xīn​ zhōng

我却不敢把话问出口,因为我怕等待我的是失望与心酸。I never dared to asked you, because I am afraid what is waiting is disappointment and sadness. 都说女人心海底针,阴晴不定,让人琢磨不透,其实那是你还不了解女人。 Woman's heart is like a needle at the bottom of the sea, volatile and mysterious.  In fact, nobody can understand women.
PHOTO: 我却不敢把话问出口,因为我怕等待我的是失望与心酸。
I never dared to asked you, because I am afraid what is waiting is disappointment and sadness.









Translated by MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary and Google Translates

爱你还和从前一样,却只能在心中珍藏,念你还像以往,却再也看不到希望。Love you as before, but can only keep in the heart. Remember you just like the past, but no hope in sight.
PHOTO: 爱你还和从前一样,却只能在心中珍藏,念你还像以往,却再也看不到希望。

我是否也在你心中简谱 (jiǎn pǔ) - musical notation

我是否也在你心中 (wǒ shì​ fǒu yě zài nǐ xīn zhōng)


PHOTO: 如果可以,还想问一句:我是那个让你想携手一生的(女子)吗?
If possible, I would like to ask: Am I the person you would want to join hands forever?


Monday, May 7, 2012

Sexting on the rise among Singapore teens?

Today on Sunday, Sunday, May 06, 2012, Page 2, SundaySpecial, Columns
Source Website:
By Teo Xuanwei,, 04:45 AM May 06, 2012

PHOTO: “Some think ‘this will not happen to me’, or ‘I can always go back to my normal life after a few years if the pictures are leaked’. But teenagers need to realise it’s not as private as they think ... Once leaked, it isn’t something that can just be erased ... (Exposure) could lead to bigger issues, like depression, breakdown in family relationships or an inability to trust.”
Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd

Those who send nude pictures of themselves often don't think it's wrong or potentially harmful

Every other week, Annie (not her real name) would send her boyfriend, who is serving National Service, a couple of pictures of herself in the nude.

"When he asked for it initially, I thought, 'It could be fun, and it will keep him missing me', so I started doing it. It definitely builds up the excitement until he meets me on weekends," the 18-year-old undergraduate said. "I don't think it's a big deal because it's quite common. I've heard of several people doing it."

Indeed, of the 10 male and female teenagers aged between 14 and 19 Today spoke to, all said they think "sexting" is now commonplace among their peers - pointing to the rising prevalence of such a phenomenon here, apparently.

Said Colleen Ng, 16: "Some of my friends already post very 'daring' photos on their Facebook page or blog. I'm quite sure that they are sexting with their boyfriends, too."

Andrew Lim, 16, added: "Some of my friends have shown me such pictures on their phones but I'm not sure if the girls are their friends or girlfriends or not."

PHOTO: "Some of my friends already post very 'daring' photos on their Facebook page or blog. I'm quite sure that they are sexting with their boyfriends, too."


Some experts, however, believe sexting is not as widespread here as some may perceive. There has been no in-depth research of this issue locally. The anecdotal (based on casual observations) evidence is sometimes conflicting.

UniSIM Business School's head of communication programme Brian Lee, who has conducted various studies in youths' media behaviour over the past decade, said a survey he conducted among 420 polytechnic students a few months ago showed that less than 1 per cent of the respondents sent or received sexts.

But focus groups that he had conducted revealed that "almost all" the participants had heard that their friends had received or sent such messages, Dr Lee added.

Ms Iris Lin, a senior social worker with Fei Yue Family Service Centre, said they have not come across any youths who have sought help because of issues relating to sexting.

But she disagrees that the practice is not prevalent (commonly occurring) - the truth of the matter "depends on whether and how much the youths want to reveal" when asked, she said.

PHOTO: If you take a nude photo of yourself, and send it to another person, then that photo text becomes propery of the receiver. What they do with it is their choice, UNLESS, they try to make profit off your photo.

OUT FOR INSTANT GRATIFICATION (sensual, satisfaction)

Whether or not sexting is catching on among teenagers here, the experts concur that the age of this vulnerable group alone is cause for greater scrutiny and safeguards.

"Some youths may think the physical aspects of a relationship are everything or worry that, if they turn down the request, they may be seen as not exciting, spontaneous or bold enough," said Ms Lin. "The possible consequences (of sexting) are in their heads, but it's not enough to stop them because they care only for instant gratification most of the time."

Mr Daniel Koh, a psychologist at Insights Mind Centre, added: "Some of them think: 'This will not happen to me', or 'I can always go back to my normal life after a few years if the pictures are leaked'. But teenagers need to realise that it's not as private or confidential as they think it is, even if they are sending to someone they feel they can trust. Once leaked, it isn't something that can just be erased."

He noted that accidental exposure of these intimate photos or videos could also go beyond the embarrassment and shame. "It could lead to bigger issues, like depression, breakdown in family relationships or an inability to trust," he said.

PHOTO: Teenagers need to realise that it's not as private or confidential as they think it is, even if they are sending to someone they feel they can trust. Once leaked, it isn't something that can just be erased." Asp is an old term used to describe a venomous snake.


Zoe (not her real name), the only other teenager among those interviewed by Today who revealed she engages in sexting, said she recently realised the gravity of the situation should things go awry, after reading about a court case in March.

A young couple was charged in court for extorting money from a man after they scammed him into undressing in front of a webcam.

Said the 17-year-old: "I never felt anything in the past when I watched the leaked videos of celebrities or sex pictures of some local polytechnic girls. It was only after the case that I seriously thought of the possible scenarios - if my nude photos are leaked because my boyfriend loses his handphone, or if our relationship suddenly goes wrong."

Stronger laws - it is already an offence to possess, circulate or distribute obscene materials in Singapore - could be part of the solution, opines Dr Lee. Although it might be a stop-gap solution, it will "send a strong signal to youths", he said.

Besides educating young children on cyber wellness, Ms Lin said parents need to impart values to their kids.

She said: "It's about going beyond the knowledge that some things are wrong, but why it is wrong."
By Teo Xuanwei,, 04:45 AM May 06, 2012

PHOTO: The most serious sexting case to date concerns Jessica Logan, 18, from Ohio. Using her mobile, she sent her then boyfriend a nude photograph of herself – but after they broke up he sent it to their friends. Logan was labelled a ‘slut’, ‘skank’ and a ‘whore’. She started skipping school to avoid her tormentors. Eventually, she hanged herself, leaving her phone in the centre of the room where she committed suicide.
Today on Sunday, Sunday, May 06, 2012, Page 3, SundaySpecial, Columns

I never felt anything in the past when I watched the leaked videos of celebrities or sex pictures of some local polytechnic girls. It was only after the case (a man scammed into undressing in front of a webcam) that I seriously thought of the possible scenarios - if my nude photos are leaked because my boyfriend loses his handphone, or if our relationship suddenly goes wrong.
PHOTO: Sexting: "I never felt anything in the past when I watched the leaked videos of celebrities or sex pictures of some local polytechnic girls. It was only after the case (a man scammed into undressing in front of a webcam) that I seriously thought of the possible scenarios - if my nude photos are leaked because my boyfriend loses his handphone, or if our relationship suddenly goes wrong."


Friday, May 4, 2012

Life lessons that speak to the heart

My Paper, Friday, May 04, 2012, Page A21, Viewpoints
Source Website:
By Geoff Tan, my paper, Friday, May 04, 2012

PHOTO: Regina Brett published her column titled 50 Life Lessons, in The Plain Dealer - a Cleveland, Ohio newspaper - in 2006.

PHOTO: Geoff Tan
The writer is a senior vice-president of Singapore Press Holdings’ marketing division.
My Paper, Friday, May 04, 2012, Page A21, Viewpoints

America award-winning author and Pulitzer Prize finalist Regina Brett has taught me a lot about life through her column titled 50 Life Lessons, which was published in The Plain Dealer - a Cleveland, Ohio newspaper - in 2006.

Her article is so popular that bloggers the world over have re-posted her sayings.

I'd like to share with you the ones that struck a chord with me. Take this: "Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch." This is a timely reminder to us all not to focus on work at the expense of our health.

PHOTO: Thankful for my best friend…
"It’s difficult to find those friends that “understand you” and well, when you find someone who ‘gets you’, hold on to them! I have a once in lifetime friendship that I wouldn’t trade for anything!"
Posted on February 26, 2012 by hannahandjames

And this: "Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone." I have experienced much-needed release on the occasions when I confided in a good friend who journeyed with me through some of my life's most difficult moments.

"Don't compare your life with others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about." This reminds me of the story of a man who complained he had no shoes, until he ran into someone who had no legs.

"Time heals almost everything. Give time time."

In this world of instant gratification, patience does not feature strongly as a virtue. We seem to want everything immediately.

PHOTO: 45 Life Lessons from a 90 year old
Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio.
"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:"

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. ........

Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2010,_Lexington,_Kentuck.jpg

However, when we are dealing with pain, there is no quick fix (fast but temporary solution) - searching for one may lead us onto the path of alcohol and drugs.

Brett wrote: "Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need." Coveting what others have places undue stress on us. Isn't it better to live within our means?

"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back." Let's all learn to be more appreciative of what we have been blessed with.

Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save them for a special occasion. Today is special.
PHOTO: Using the Power of your imagination and positive visualization to create an amazing year.
Posted on December 20, 2010 by Zen Your Den

My favourites are the ones that are written tongue-in-cheek (ironic, slyly humorous). Take this: "Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save them for a special occasion. Today is special."

And this: "Be eccentric (unusual or odd behavior) now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple." And I can certainly relate to it when she wrote: "Growing old beats the alternative - dying young."

There are so many gems in her column that it's worth taking the time to ponder each of them.

Work with the positive energy to build wealth, good health, and well-being! There are so many gems in her column that it's worth taking the time to ponder each of them.
PHOTO: Work with the positive energy to build wealth, good health, and well-being! There are so many gems in her column that it's worth taking the time to ponder each of them.

My parting words are from her list, too: "No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up." Have a great day!

By Geoff Tan, my paper, Friday, May 04, 2012
The writer is a senior vice-president of Singapore Press Holdings’ marketing division.

PHOTO: From A Story Without Words
Posted by Hello World, 13th March 2011

May you be safe.
May you be healthy and strong.
May you be happy.
May you be peaceful and at ease.
A Metta ~ Lovingkindness Blessing ~ for You

我的字典: Wǒ de zì diǎn

Timely reminder: 及时的提醒 - jí shí de tí xǐng
Quick fix (fast but temporary solution): 权宜之计 - quán yí zhī jì
Tongue-in-cheek (ironic, slyly humorous): 幽默的 - yōu mò de
Eccentric (unusual or odd behavior): 古怪 - gǔ guài
