Thursday, March 31, 2011
Hawken Gameplay
This is the intro video for the upcoming mech FPS combat title Hawken. Looks incredible huh?
Lady Gaga Cakes
Want a piece of Lady Gaga? Well you can have one by creating a Lady Gaga Cake or Cupcakes. If you are planning a Lady Gaga Birthday Party you will like some of these Lady Gaga Cakes and Cupcake Ideas others have created to inspire you to create your own for your Lady Gaga Party.Here are Lady Gaga Cakes in honor of the 25th Lady Gaga’s Birthday.
Toilet Paper Roll Prank for April Fools Day
The worst thing can happen in a bathroom is to find the toilet paper roll like this when you need it the most. Nice Fools Day prank.Source: instructables
Watch as Catzilla Attacks
Everyone knows that the world will end in 2012. What if the cat-astrophic event will begin with Catzilla Atack?Source: modcatlove
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
25 Funny and Bizarre Warning Signs
Have you ever seen a funny sign that made you go, "What?!!"Perhaps you remember the infamous "Cruise Ships Use Airport Exit" freeway sign outside of San Diego, or the old [ North South ↑ ] freeway sign outside Christiana Mall in Delaware?This page is my collection of unintentionally funny signs, humorous church signs and othor visual humor.
Forgotten Celebrities
Here are the celebrities from the 1990’s who are no longer popular. Back then they were very popular and their shows aired in prime time. But frankly, who can ever forget Screech? He is simply unforgettable. Andrew Shue (Billy Campbell in Melrose Place)Dean Cain (Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman)Dustin Diamond (Screech in Saved by the Bell)Cynthia Daniel (Elizabeth Wakefield in Sweet
Macaroni And Cheese Sushi Rolls
Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to make that old classic, Mac & Cheese Sushi.Source: thefoodinmybeard
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Short Front Spiky Cut | Spiky Haircuts
Short Front Spiky CutIf you like spiky hair styles, but think it looks a little too edgy, then go for this haircut. In this style, the hair on the side and back are cut short, and the crown is kept longer. The crown hair are cut into a tapering look, with hair kept longest near the forehead. Then, this hair is styled with gel upwards.
Short Hairstyles for Men
Short haircuts are easy to maintain and are most opted by guys. However, one can get bored with the same old haircut. If you are too bored, with old hairstyle or have overgrown hair, then you should consider a short haircut. Given below, are ideas on short haircuts for men. If you want to add more style to your haircut, then you can consider getting some subtle highlights. This will add more to
25 Thundercats Cosplay Wins And Fails
Everyone’s excited for some reason, about the new Thundercats show that’s on the way. These people are probably extra excited- looks like they need that kind of joy in their lives. Here are 25 Thundercats Cosplay Win. For full gallery.
Rare Pets
One family from Russia has an unusual hobby. They keeps rare pets at home. Among them are foxes of several breeds, ferrets, bobcats, huskies and even bears! All the animals live in peace with each оther аnd with their owner tоо.
Street Fighter Graffiti Art
Who knew graffiti artists love Street Fighterjust as much as we do? If you spot any Street Fighter related graffiti in your town, be sure to snap a pic and send it to us!
Brilliant Dexter Kill Room Prank
When their roommate left for a couple weeks, the group set out to transform his bedroom into a 'Kill Room' reminiscent of the ones found in Dexter.
Charming Miniature Horse Koda
Miniature animals like this horse Koda are very rare and really charming. It can even live in your house like a pet.
How to tell a person's true nature
Source Website:
By Geoff Tan, my paper, Mon, Mar 28, 2011

PHOTO: So as it is written in all that is conveyed to script, love thy neighbor, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, good forward, good backward. (Posted: Tuesday, May 25, 2010)

PHOTO: Geoff Tan
The writer is a senior vice-president of Singapore Press Holdings’ marketing division.

PHOTO: The Perils of a Catholic Upbringing Recalling my old pastor, Father Mike, who always admonished me to 'care for the sick, feed the hungry and clothe the naked,' I was moved by some powerful inner urge to reach out to this unfortunate person.

PHOTO: The intension of mindfulness meditation is gain insight as to the true nature of reality and therefore also called insight.
By Geoff Tan, my paper, Mon, Mar 28, 2011
我的字典: Wǒ de zì diǎn
Character: 人品 - rén pǐn
Self-centered: 自私自利的 - zì sī zì lì de
Unplanned wealth: 横财 - hèng cái
Attitude: 态度 - tài du
Source Website:
By Geoff Tan, my paper, Mon, Mar 28, 2011

PHOTO: So as it is written in all that is conveyed to script, love thy neighbor, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, good forward, good backward. (Posted: Tuesday, May 25, 2010)

PHOTO: Geoff Tan
The writer is a senior vice-president of Singapore Press Holdings’ marketing division.
RECENTLY, I went on a six-day trip with a group of friends. It was the first time we were holidaying together.
During the trip, a member of our 20-strong group remarked that one can tell the character of a person by observing how he interacts with others in unfamiliar situations.
That reminded me of what my father once said: There is nothing like a round of golf to bring out the best or worst in a person. My aunt holds the same opinion but with regard to a totally different game - mahjong.
Whether it is playing 18 holes with someone new, or stacking and throwing tiles across a square table, it puts someone in a situation he is not accustomed to.
Organisational-behaviour consultant Robert Sutton said that "the best test of a person's character is how he or she treats those with less power".
Indeed, it is easy to see why someone would go the extra mile and put on a certain persona for a superior.
So, how someone interacts with those who are lower in status is most telling.
The self-centred ones may pretend to put others first if they stand to gain but, as soon as there is nothing of benefit to them, they treat others like dirt.
What else reveals a person's true nature? Some say a good test is to look at what a person finds funny or how he treats a waiter.

PHOTO: The Perils of a Catholic Upbringing Recalling my old pastor, Father Mike, who always admonished me to 'care for the sick, feed the hungry and clothe the naked,' I was moved by some powerful inner urge to reach out to this unfortunate person.
Then, there are some who say that the true test is seeing how a person behaves when he is pulled over by police while driving.
The funniest test I have heard is to look at how a person treats his parents or, better still, his in-laws.
Someone once told me that "you can tell a person's character by how often he uses the bcc function in work-related e-mail".
And how about this one which you have probably heard often - a person's true character is revealed by how he handles good fortune or unplanned wealth.
I make up my mind about a person's character in a few ways.
Firstly, I tend to want to check out who the person's friends are, and social-media networks like Facebook makes this easy.

PHOTO: The intension of mindfulness meditation is gain insight as to the true nature of reality and therefore also called insight.
Secondly, actions speak louder than words, so I observe what the person does, instead of just listening to what he says.
Lastly, I find that it is very helpful to look at a person's attitude to life.
For example, I would steer clear of a person who gravitates towards blaming the world, instead of taking responsibility for his actions, and are always pessimistic.
我的字典: Wǒ de zì diǎn
Character: 人品 - rén pǐn
Self-centered: 自私自利的 - zì sī zì lì de
Unplanned wealth: 横财 - hèng cái
Attitude: 态度 - tài du
Cartier Love Bracelet
Luxury Cartier Love BraceletBeautiful Cartier Love BraceletSimple Cartier Love BraceletCartier Love Bracelet PackagingAll Colors from Cartier Love Bracelet3 in 1 Cartier Love BraceletCartier Love Bracelet ConceptDuo Cartier Love Bracelet
Monday, March 28, 2011
Kuroshio Sea - 2nd Largest Aquarium Tank in the World
This awesome tank is found at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan.The main tank called the ‘Kuroshio Sea’ holds 7,500-cubic meters (1,981,290 gallons) of water and features the world’s second largest acrylic glass panel, measuring 8.2 meters by 22.5 meters with a thickness of 60centimeters. Whale sharks and manta rays are kept amongst many other fish species in the main tank.The music is "
Toddlers and Tiaras Star Eden Wood
Eden Wood is a beauty queen whose face, clothing, hair and accessories are all done on a regular basis for one purpose: winning. She is a beauty pageant queen who was featured on TLC's Toddlers & Tiaras and now she is making her own music video -- all at the tender age of five. The song, called Cutie Patootie is the same one she performed on CBS's The Talk, includes lines like: "shakin' my booty"
Necker Island Rental for $53k Per Night
Necker Island is owned by famous billionaire Sir Richard Branson. You may rent the island for $53,000 per night. It has white sand beaches and crystal blue tides. And you may bring up to 28 friends with you.
Gun Accidentally Discharges
is is a gunshot accident that was just waiting to happen. A man got into his car and when he went to fasten his seatbelt, his Glock 18 accidently discharged. The gunshot blew a 9mm hole through the bottom of the leather seat of his car’s door frame, his underwear, and his pants. Luckily, the man was only slightly injured.The victim says:“What the hell was that?!?” she said. It took me a half a
Balenciaga Bag
Mary Kate on Green Balenciaga BagLooking so Cute with Blue Balenciaga BagBlack vs White Balenciaga BagAll Colors from Balenciaga BagBlue Jeans Balenciaga BagWhite Balenciaga BagBlack Balenciaga Bag ConceptRed Balenciaga Bag ExteriorElegant Black Balenciaga Bag
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Dining Chairs from Reed Hansuld
Dining ChairsHandmade furniture has qualities and characteristic that mass production just won’t match up with, and craftsman Reed Hansuld is quite gifted at the trade.Dining Chairs
Dining Chairs Design
Dining ChairsTitta Paolini was the designer behind these wonderful dining chairs.Dining Chairs
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Eva Longoria Sexy Celebrity Pictures
Eva Longoria Sexy PicturesEva Longoria Hot WallpapersEva Longoria Beautiful Celebrity Eva Longoria Sexy Photos
2011 Long Hairstyles
The long hairstyle 2011 is very renowned in the today's lifestyle which can give the gorgeous look. The best to make the long hairstyle with long layers with more amount of texture give the greater concentration to others. Endless styling options are available for girls who have long hair. You need to find out a long hairstyle that works well for you. Factors such as the shape of your face and
Country Living Room Furniture
Living Room FurnitureIdeas for designing the living room decorLiving Room Furniture
Your Style Living Room
Living Room Furnitureİs important to cleaning the living room to present a lively look to the furniture is better to vacuum the , carpets and curtains at least once. Living Room Furniture
Ideas to Arrange Modern Living Room
Living Room FurnitureTo beautify our home with lots of modern living room furniture showsLiving Room Furniture
2011 Lexus IS Executive Sport Cars
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2011 Lotus Exige Sport Car
2011 Lotus Exige Sport Car2011 Lotus Exige Top Sport Car2011 Lotus Exige WallpaperLotus Exige is one of the sports car had two doors and only has two seats. Lotus Exige is one of the best sports car and the first ali in production in 1996.2011 Lotus Exige increasingly sophisticated and more complete in the features and accessories in the vehicle. And as one of the fastest and best sports car,
Shakira Fashion Style
Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll (born February 2, 1977),known professionally as Shakira is aColombian singer, songwriter, musician, record producer, dancer, and philanthropist who emerged in the music scene of Colombia and Latin America in the early 1990s. Born and raised in Barranquilla, Colombia, Shakira revealed many of her talents in school as a live performer, demonstrating her vocal ability
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Natural selection?
Weekend Today, March 26 - 27, 2011, Column, Page T2 (The Fairer Text)
Source Website:
By Georgina Chang,, 04:46 AM Mar 26, 2011

PHOTO: When it comes to listening to women, men hear what they want to hear. Women generally don’t embrace selective listening. In fact, they have super hearing. Like a bat.
Artwork by YEN YOK, Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd
Weekend Today, March 26 - 27, 2011, Column, Page T2 (The Fairer Text)

PHOTO: Georgina Chang
The writer is the senior creative director of 987FM and Lush 99.5.
Weekend Today, March 26 - 27, 2011, Column, Page T2 (The Fairer Text)

PHOTO: Men have self-esteem issues too. ‘I’m not vain, but sometimes I need affirmations about my appearance. I always tell my girlfriend she’s beautiful, but she never returns the favor’. ‘I don’t need to hear ‘I love you’ more, but a ‘You look handsome’ would be great.”

PHOTO: Men can hear their phone ring and hear the sexy next-door neighbour coming home.

PHOTO: Have you ever wondered what does a man want to hear from a woman? As strange as it may seem, you can keep a man happy by complimenting him, because he has the same needs as you do, but he is not always so vocal about them. Still, they love to know that they are strong and handsome, smart and funny.

PHOTO: “As long as you're with me, I don't need anyone else”. “I love you just the way you are”.

PHOTO: Men will never say that leggy girl from Marketing that you hate came along.

PHOTO: “I had an erotic dream and you were in it…” If he asks you to tell him about it, say that you will show him instead!

PHOTO: Men prefer to hear about their appearance and performance, while women want to be told they’re wonderful and beautiful.

PHOTO: The truth is that both women and men enjoy sex that feels heartening, sensual, connecting and that takes them out of their bodies and into the realm of “wow, did that just happen?”

Source Website:
By Georgina Chang,, 04:46 AM Mar 26, 2011

PHOTO: When it comes to listening to women, men hear what they want to hear. Women generally don’t embrace selective listening. In fact, they have super hearing. Like a bat.
Artwork by YEN YOK, Copyright © MediaCorp Press Ltd
Weekend Today, March 26 - 27, 2011, Column, Page T2 (The Fairer Text)

PHOTO: Georgina Chang
The writer is the senior creative director of 987FM and Lush 99.5.
Weekend Today, March 26 - 27, 2011, Column, Page T2 (The Fairer Text)
When it comes to listening to women, men hear what they want to hear.
Selective listening: Why do guys practice that?
I ask because it causes cold silences and bitter fights. Yes, there're genuine cases of deafness. For instance, it's an occupational hazard for a radio DJ. After years of wearing headphones with music blasting, I'm a little hard of hearing. But I would never practice selective listening. Really.
However, I suspect most men do.

PHOTO: Men have self-esteem issues too. ‘I’m not vain, but sometimes I need affirmations about my appearance. I always tell my girlfriend she’s beautiful, but she never returns the favor’. ‘I don’t need to hear ‘I love you’ more, but a ‘You look handsome’ would be great.”
How else can you explain why they didn't hear you mention that it's your mother's birthday dinner tonight and arranged to have drinks with the boss instead. (And no, it can't be cancelled because well, promotions depend on it.) Or why they didn't hear you asking them to frame the new picture or fix the broken chair leg?
It's funny, because while watching football, they can hear their phone ring and hear the sexy next-door neighbour coming home. But they can't hear you calling for them to help with washing the dishes or doing the laundry. ("I thought it was a stray cat yowling!")

PHOTO: Men can hear their phone ring and hear the sexy next-door neighbour coming home.
Women generally don't embrace selective listening. In fact, they have super hearing. Like a bat. Even if they're in another room far away with the door shut, they can immediately know when the kids are fighting or breaking something. They can hear their man sneaking into the house at 3am, and they can hear that bitchy colleague down the hall gossiping about them.
However, both genders are equally partial to selective telling. Now, I don't condone lying at all, but selectively omitting details sometimes makes a relationship smoother.

PHOTO: Have you ever wondered what does a man want to hear from a woman? As strange as it may seem, you can keep a man happy by complimenting him, because he has the same needs as you do, but he is not always so vocal about them. Still, they love to know that they are strong and handsome, smart and funny.
Women will selectively tell their partners that they bought, "Only a small bag on sale" whilst the other seven big expensive bags are stuffed under the bed. And because a friend didn't like the style of these designer shoes she'd bought, she passed it to you (at purchase price). And how can you say "no" to a friend, right?
In the first flush of the relationship, women will selectively talk about their age. Selectively shaving off a few years is pretty common. And sometimes, this perception lasts for decades into the marriage.

PHOTO: “As long as you're with me, I don't need anyone else”. “I love you just the way you are”.
We selectively talk about our past relationships to preserve his ego. We'll never tell him that we had 14 boyfriends before. It was only two. And we would never admit that we've been intimate with 20 men. That number is capped at five. Forever and always.
However, it doesn't apply with our girlfriends. No thing is too sacred or personal. Your size or lack thereof, your quirks and odd toilet habits are all open for discussion and analysis. We do this to get another perspective so that we can have a better understanding.

PHOTO: Men will never say that leggy girl from Marketing that you hate came along.
Meanwhile, men usually selectively mention how long they're going to be out. The "I'm going to grab a bite/have a beer with the guys" actually means "it's going to be seven beers, and the only reason why it didn't stretch to eight beers is because someone's angry wife called, which broke up the session".
They also selectively omit who was there too. He'll never say that leggy girl from Marketing that you hate came along. When pressed, he'll selectively mutter, "Maybe she came with a friend, I didn't notice." True, he didn't notice her friend. But he certainly noticed the short satin skirt she was wearing with those six-inch heels.

PHOTO: “I had an erotic dream and you were in it…” If he asks you to tell him about it, say that you will show him instead!
Their storytelling about their prowess at work, or in fights with other guys can be very selective too. You won't hear about them getting punched to a pulp or getting embarrassed or losing face at the office. Those bits are carefully misplaced or lost in favour of the bits where they constantly have clever retorts that inspire awe to everyone at the office. Or how they singlehandedly intimidated the gang of 20 thugs who ran away screaming like girls.
The statement, "I've got a lot to do at the office today", usually means they actually want to do something else that doesn't involve you. It's usually not at the office and something you'll disapprove of. Like having eight beers with the guys and maybe that leggy girl from Marketing.

PHOTO: Men prefer to hear about their appearance and performance, while women want to be told they’re wonderful and beautiful.
They will selectively talk only about the aunties and chubby girls at the office. But they will gloss over the hot girl at Accounts, their hot female friend, and your hot female friend. See, that avoids friction in the relationship.
And yes, like women, the smart men will selectively talk about ex-girlfriends. If current girl didn't have any inkling of his vast dating experience, there is no need to say anything.
See, it's all about maintaining the peace and harmony at home. And there's nothing wrong with that. Right?
By Georgina Chang,, 04:46 AM Mar 26, 2011The writer is the senior creative director of 987FM and Lush 99.5.

PHOTO: The truth is that both women and men enjoy sex that feels heartening, sensual, connecting and that takes them out of their bodies and into the realm of “wow, did that just happen?”

PHOTO: Women must speak about their likes and dislikes in bed with their partners. Tell them exactly what arouses you or satisfies you in bed and men would be more than happy to offer you even more than that.
- Weekend Today, March 26 - 27, 2011, Column, Page T2 (The Fairer Text)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Zidane, The Greatest Player Ever Destroying A Goalkeeper
Zidane embarrasses a young goalie in training, but then apologizes to him afterwards. What a class act.
Architecture-Inspired Typography
Scotland-based artist Christopher Labrooy sure knows how to make words come alive! He combines graphic design and typography to creates three-dimensional worlds filled with wit and whimsy. Experience modern fonts and see the names of famous architects Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Toyo Ito, and Oscar Niemeyer like never before. Cool bonus? At then end, check out some funky fresh typographic
Canine Commandos Being Trained
These dogs are being trained st the Wolfgrey K9 training facility that is located close to Bangalore, India. They are used to prevent the violence in the cities and towns including riots, terrorist threats and domestic aggression. These K9s make great partners. The breeds over here are German Shepherd's, Dutch Shepherd's and Belgian Shepherd's.
New Mercedes-Benz ML450 Hybrid
New Mercedes-Benz ML450 Hybrid with two propulsion systems are carrying-capacity gasoline engine 3.5 L 340 hp V6-powered and two electric motors equipped with an automatic transmission. Technology on two electric motors ML450 same as that applied by the GM. The first electric motor functioning as a driver beginning from gasoline to electricity, while the second motor accelerate. Electricity in a
2012 New Mercedes-Benz S400 Hybrid
Mercedes S400 Hybrid is powered by 3.5 liter V6 has 295 HP power. Fuel consumption is claimed to be the highest class reached 30 miles per gallon (12.7 kilometers per liter) and is the first Mercedes car that uses lithium-ion battery.
New Mercedes C63 AMG 2012
New Mercedes C63 AMG is normal engined V8 with a capacity of 6.2 liters. Then, AMG her heart upgrde the engine in two versions for different country markets. The first version for the European market power 487HP equipped with acceleration 0-100 km traveled 4.4 seconds and maximum speed of 280 km per hour. Medium standard model, maximum power with only 457HP 600Nm peak torque.The second version of
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Munchkin Cats
The Munchkin is a cat breed created by a naturally occurring genetic mutation that results in cats with abnormally short legs. However, the shortness of their legs does not seem to interfere with their running and leaping abilities. The gene responsible has been compared to the one that give Welsh Corgis, Basset Hounds and Dachshunds their short stature; however, Munchkins do not suffer from the
Creative Double Page Magazine Ads
Today, when a single person sees about 3000 ads each day, and we are becoming more and more blind to advertising, companies must find new and creative ways to catch consumer’s attention. If you are having a hard time coming up with new ideas, or you are just a looking for some inspiration this collection of Creative Double Page Magazine Ads should really help you!Source: boredpanda
Make Up 2011
Look so Glamor on this Make Up DesignOutstanding Make Up DesignSoft Smoke Make UpAmazing Make Up 2011Great Make Up 2011Beautiful Make Up with Soft LipstickLooks so Beautiful on Soft Make UpAmazing Make Up 2011Dark Soft Make UpBest Eyes Make UpBest Make Up for Dark Skin
2011 Chevrolet Avalanche Cars
2011 Chevrolet Avalanche CarsPrices:$36,115 - $49,3155.3-liter V8 puts out 320 horsepower at 5,400 rpm and 335 lb-ft.It runs on regular fuel.17-inch alloy wheels, dual-zone manual climate controls.
2011 Chevrolet Avalanche Cars
2011 Chevrolet Avalanche CarsPrices:$36,115 - $49,3155.3-liter V8 puts out 320 horsepower at 5,400 rpm and 335 lb-ft.It runs on regular fuel.17-inch alloy wheels, dual-zone manual climate controls.
2011 Chevrolet Avalanche Cars
2011 Chevrolet Avalanche CarsPrices:$36,115 - $49,3155.3-liter V8 puts out 320 horsepower at 5,400 rpm and 335 lb-ft.It runs on regular fuel.17-inch alloy wheels, dual-zone manual climate controls.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Rebecca Black's "Friday" as Radical Text
If you think that 13-year old Rebecca Black’s song “Friday” is an insipid, bubblegum pop expression of the teenage mind, you’d be wrong. Dana Vachon argues that it’s actually a complex rebuttal to the artificiality of modern life.
Awesome Stereographic Projection
A great set of images using a technique called stereographic projection that takes a panoramic image and projects it onto a sphere. The results are surreal. More images.
Meet Boo the Cutest Pomeranian Dog
I wanted to share Boo with everyone… A Pomeranian puppy who undoubtedly takes the cake as being the cutest puppy on the face of the planet.What’s even more noteworthy is that Boo has almost one million friends on Facebook.
Morning Glory Pool
Morning Glory Pool is a hot spring in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park in the United States.The distinct color of the pool is due to bacteria which inhabit the water. On a few rare occasions the Morning Glory Pool has erupted as a geyser, usually following an earthquake or other nearby seismic activity.
catherine bell television show
Catherine Lisa Bell born August 14, 1968 is a British-born American actress known for her role of Lt. Colonel Sarah MacKenzie of the television show JAG from 1997 to 2005. Currently she stars in the Lifetime Television hit series Army Wives as Denise Sherwood.Contents * 1 Early life * 2 Personal life o 2.1 Scientology * 3 Career * 4 Filmography o 4.1 Actress o 4.2
tyra banks move into television and film
Move into television and filmBanks's television career began on the fourth season of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, in which she played lead character Will Smith's old friend Jackie Ames. She made seven appearances in the series. Other TV credits include Felicity, MADtv, Nick Cannon's Wild 'n Out (in which she was featured as a special guest host and team captain) and The Price Is Right (
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
shania twain canadian country pop singer
Shania Twain, OC pronounced /ʃəˈnaɪ.ə ˈtweɪn/; born Eilleen Regina Edwards; August 28, 1965is a Canadian country pop singer-songwriter. She rose to fame in the mid 1990s with her album The Woman in Me (1995), and achieved worldwide success with her 1997 album Come On Over, which became the best-selling album of all time by a female musician in any genre, and the best-selling country album of all
2011 Supermoon Photos From Around The World
If you didn't know, March 19, 2011 moon was the biggest moon in nearly 20 years. Its called a supermoon because the moon was at perigee, the closest point to Earth in its orbit. Read more.
Laughing Owls
Meet a bunch of laughing owls. They are all over the Internet. I suppose they aren’t really laughing but they certainly look like they are. Who knows maybe that are really laughing.
Rare US Civil War Photos
The American Civil War (1861–1865), also known as the War Between the States (among other names), was a civil war in the United States of America. Eleven Southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America, also known as "the Confederacy". Led by Jefferson Davis, the Confederacy fought for its independence from the United States. The
Miniskirts in 60s and 70s
These are some very good looking girls wearing the miniskirts from the 1960’s and 1970’s. Those were the days when the skirts were shorts and the girls were hot. There is something to be said for yesterday’s fashions.Source:
Living Room Interior Design
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Stylish Living Room
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2011 Audi R8 Spyder Top Sport Car2011 Audi R8 Spyder Sport Car2011 Audi R8 Spyder Cabin Car
Monday, March 21, 2011
Feather and Hammer Drop on Moon
Here's the famous footage of the Apollo 15 astronaut that dropped a hammer & feather on the moon to prove Galileo's theory that in the absence of atmosphere, objects will fall at the same rate regardless of mass.There has been much debate over the years on whether this footage is real, or was faked in a studio. Decide for yourself!
Ads with Serious Messages
Oftentimes advertisers dig in to consumer’s serious side by laying out intense and thought provoking advertisements. The following creative but chilling ads will make you think twice before calling the advertising world a vast soulless cesspool. It appears that these ads were meant to catch your attention in a much more meaningful way. To view more images.
The Best Passive Aggressive Fridge Notes
No one place on Earth harbors more passive aggression than an office kitchen. This can lead to some pretty interesting and potentially relationship crushing passive aggressive notes. Here are the 30 most passive aggressive notes found in office kitchens.
Twitter Pics of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore
These are some very private photos of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. It seems that they lead normal lives in spite of the fact that they are superstars. It is obvious from these photos that the two are very much in love.
St. Patrick's Day Celebration
Welcome to Ireland, home of the four-leaf clover, Irish flags, leprechauns, and of course St. Patrick’s Day. Apparently, lots of people like a lot this holiday. At least you could assume that judging from the numbers of people who come out to celebrate it.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Pink Bedroom Decoration
girl bedroom pinkPink color is timeless theme for girls bedrooms.girl bedroom pink
我家在哪里?- Where is my home?

PHOTO: 我家在哪里?- Where is my home?
A woman in the destroyed city of Natori, in Miyagi Prefecture in northern Japan, could not contain her grief on Sunday and broke into tears.

PHOTO: 我家在哪里?- Where is my home?
A woman in the destroyed city of Natori, in Miyagi Prefecture in northern Japan, could not contain her grief on Sunday and broke into tears.

PHOTO: 俺村非著名摄影师拍的俺家花园 - "My Village Garden" photographs, taken by an anonymous photographer
作者:网友 2010-12-24

PHOTO: 俺村非著名摄影师拍的俺家花园 - "My Village Garden" photographs, taken by an anonymous photographer
作者:网友 2010-12-24

PHOTO: 我家在哪里?- Where is my home?
A woman in the destroyed city of Natori, in Miyagi Prefecture in northern Japan, could not contain her grief on Sunday and broke into tears.

PHOTO: 我家在哪里?- Where is my home?
A woman in the destroyed city of Natori, in Miyagi Prefecture in northern Japan, could not contain her grief on Sunday and broke into tears.
A woman in the destroyed city of Natori, in Miyagi Prefecture in northern Japan, could not contain her grief on Sunday and broke into tears. The massive earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on Friday are feared to have killed over 10,000 people.
Japan’s stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant was hit by a second hydrogen explosion in three days yesterday, wounding 11 workers and stalling efforts to secure the facility. A similar explosion occurred on Saturday at the plant’s Unit 1, injuring four workers.
Officials said the container surrounding the plant’s Unit 3 was not breached in Monday’s blast and that there was no major rise in radiation levels. Shortly after the explosion, Tokyo Electric warned that it had lost the ability to cool Unit 2.
More than 180.000 people have evacuated the area in recent days, and up to 160 may have been exposed to radiation.
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作者:网友 2010-12-24

PHOTO: 俺村非著名摄影师拍的俺家花园 - "My Village Garden" photographs, taken by an anonymous photographer
作者:网友 2010-12-24
Saturday, March 19, 2011
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What is the Difference Between a Front Loading and Top Loading Washing Machine?
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By WiseGeek
PHOTO: WiseGeek

PHOTO: Whirlpool - Whitemagic F65

PHOTO: Xeros - The ‘one-cup water’ washing machine concept

PHOTO: Not your standard washing machine, the iBasket "will automatically wash your clothes once enough clothes are tossed inside -- as per the weight."

PHOTO: "You can also control the frequency of wash cycles. The iBasket will also send you a message on your computer once the cleaning is completed."

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PHOTO: WiseGeek
By WiseGeek

PHOTO: Front loading washing machine
The range of choices for laundry includes custom programs quickly: Added the new “14 minutes” to 30 ° C to quickly wash small loads of laundry. There are two other programs fast: 44 minutes and 29 minutes for 3.5 kg to 2 kg.Finally, the program Mix & Wash, exclusive Candy Group, to wash all together heads of different fibers. E ‘A new shortest cycle at 40 ° C, lasting less than 2 hours. It becomes possible to always fill the washing machine, optimizing the use of water and electricity. range of choices for laundry includes custom programs quickly: Added the new “14 minutes” to 30 ° C to quickly wash small loads of laundry. There are two other programs fast: 44 minutes and 29 minutes for 3.5 kg to 2 kg.Finally, the program Mix & Wash, exclusive Candy Group, to wash all together heads of different fibers. E ‘A new shortest cycle at 40 ° C, lasting less than 2 hours. It becomes possible to always fill the washing machine, optimizing the use of water and electricity.
PHOTO: WiseGeek
There are many differences between a front loading and top loading washing machine. Most people still have the traditional top loading machine. They are less expensive than front loading machines, though in the end, top loaders may cost you more money in energy and water costs. There are trade offs with each type of washing machine, and plenty of things to consider if you’re planning on purchasing a new machine.
A top loading washing machine is most familiar to people, though they may have seen front loading machines in laundromats or increasingly in appliance stores. These machines use an agitator which spins the soapy clothes to help get out dirt. The washer drains, adds more water to rinse and then spins the clothes to wring out excess water. Clothes are placed into the spinning basket via the top of the machine, and you can open the machine at any time to add something else.

PHOTO: Whirlpool - Whitemagic F65
This 6-kg top loading fully automatic washing machine with agitator wash has 8 preset programmes. It allows prewash (soak), hot water wash, heavy wash, normal wash, quick wash and delicate wash. Additional features are washload sensor, automatic drainage, auto restart and child lock. It has a stainwash programme with limited ability to remove stains. The stainless steel drum facilities hot wash by externally adding hot water. What's more, it sets optimum water and detergent levels according to the wash load and wash programme selected to give you the best wash performance.
A front loading washing machine uses less energy and does not have an agitator. A front loading machine is a gentler method, because it uses gravity to spin the clothes, which helps save energy and may extend life of clothing. These machines use less water and detergent, which may be a great savings on water costs, and they can usually be filled with more clothes. You cannot open these machines while they are running, so your days of adding a forgotten sock to a batch being washed are over if you choose a front loading washing machine.

PHOTO: Xeros - The ‘one-cup water’ washing machine concept
Professor Stephen Burkinshaw has invented a washing machine, dubbed Xeros that will wash a full load of your clothes using just a single cup of water. This magical washing machine uses plastic chips to do the cleaning job. These plastic chips are 0.5 centimeter in size and around 44lb (20kilos) of these go into each load. When the washing cycle commences, the water gets heated up and dissolves the dirt, which is then absorbed by the plastic chips. The plastic chips are re-usable and can be used up to 100 times.
Front loaders vary in size but many can take up less space than top loaders. It’s often possible to stack a dryer on top of a front loading machine, but you will usually only find this feature in top loaders that are very small and won’t accommodate large batches. A front loader may be a better choice if you need to save on space but still want a fairly good sized washing machine
There is nevertheless some advantage to the top loading washing machine if you have back, knee or neck problems. It can be awkward to bend down to load and unload clothes, but usually no more so than using front loading dryers. If you have to do lots of laundry, you may prefer a front loader to avoid frequent bending to get clothes in and out of a machine.

PHOTO: Not your standard washing machine, the iBasket "will automatically wash your clothes once enough clothes are tossed inside -- as per the weight."
You do give up greater efficiency, savings in energy and water costs, use of less water, and potentially longer life of clothing when you use a top loading washing machine. However you also may benefit in the short run because they are significantly less expensive. For people who can afford the front loader and who don’t have issues with the way clothes are loaded, this may be your best bet. In some states and countries you may even qualify for an energy rebate if you purchase a front loading machine.
PHOTO: "You can also control the frequency of wash cycles. The iBasket will also send you a message on your computer once the cleaning is completed."

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When you compare washing machine prices, also think about things like warranties from the company and service options from the place where you bought it. Some stores, both larger and even independent, can give you seemingly great prices but won't be able to help when things go wrong. When my parents bought new machines nearly ten years ago now, they went to the local appliance store, and for several years could get it fixed easily anytime it broke. The store is sadly now closed, which is unfortunate because it gave such great service.
- panda2006 As with most appliances, "cheap" washing machines will turn out to be just that- cheap. Top loaders are admittedly often larger, but that is their main advantage. However, either choice can be a poor one if you end up with a machine that will not last; while something cheap is tempting, reading reviews and looking at several different models would be a good idea to prevent the need to replace the machine after only a few years.
- watson42 Thanks! Better choice.
- anon80027 
PHOTO: WiseGeek
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