Friday, April 15, 2011

Stamp - Pond Life - High Value Definitive Stamp (Date of Issue: 16 February 2011)

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(Texts and Pictures)

Discover the Ecological Diversity in a Pond in the New High-Value Definitive Stamp Series

Local Price : S$ 18.10
Overseas Price : S$ 18.10
Date Of Issue : 16 Feb, 2011

PHOTO: Complete set of Pond Life stamps (S$18.10)
Definitives - Pond Life (High Value) - Stamps

Copyright© 2011 Singapore Post Limited. All Rights Reserved.^DSC11AST

Singapore, 16 February 2011 - The beauty and complexity of a pond ecosystem is featured in the new vibrant high value definitive stamp series, which will go on sale at post offices islandwide.

Date Of Issue : 16 Feb, 2011
Local Price : S$ 20.95
Overseas Price : S$ 19.60

PHOTO: Definitives - Pond Life (High Value) - Presentation Pack
Copyright© 2011 Singapore Post Limited. All Rights Reserved.^DSC11PR

The colourful images of four creatures will give a glimpse beneath the water's surface of life on a pond. The common tilapia (S$1.10), pond wolf spider (S$2), water skaters (S$5) and water scorpion (S$10) are four creatures shown on this high-value definitive stamp series.

Common Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) is one of the most common Cichlid fish in Singapore. Originally from East Africa, this Cichlid has been introduced to Singapore as a food source by the Japanese during the World War II. Hence, it is better known as “Japanese” fish.

Pond Wolf Spider (Pardosa pseudoannulata) is an agile predator and has good eyesight. This spider belongs to the family Lycosidae. It leads a solitary life and hunts alone. Female wolf spiders can be recognised easily as they move around with a spherical egg-sac attached to their spinnerets.

Water Strider (Neogerris parvulus) is a semi aquatic insect within the Order Hemiptera in the family Gerridae.

It lives on the surface of ponds, slow streams, marshes, and other quiet waters. It preys on insects and other small invertebrates on top of or directly below surface using its strong forelegs that end with claws.

Water Scorpion (Laccotrephes simulatus) is an aquatic insect belonging to the family Nepidae. It is an ambush predator. When prey approaches, it will lunge forward and grab it with its powerful forelimbs. It feeds primarily on invertebrates, but occasionally preys on small fish or tadpoles.

PHOTO: Pond Life This image is from the Singapore Stamps & FDC Stamp Album

Products on Sale
Besides the complete set of four stamps (S$18.10), SingPost is also releasing a Presentation Pack (S$20.95) and Pre-cancelled First Day Cover affixed with the complete set of stamps (S$20.00). First day cover will be cancelled with a special Pond Lifepostmark.

All stamp products of this issue will be on sale from 16 February 2011 at all post offices and the Singapore Philatelic Museum. Orders can also be made at SingPost’s online shopping portal, vPOST,

Information and enquiries

For more information on this new stamp issue, please visit

PHOTO: Pre-cancelled First Day Cover affixed with the complete set of Pond Life stamp issue (S$20.00)
Definitives - Pond Life (High Value)

Copyright© 2011 Singapore Post Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Items on Sale & Price
  • First Day Cover (without stamps) S$0.25*
  • Complete set of stamps (S$1.10, $2.00, $5.00 & $10) S$18.10
  • Pre-cancelled First-Day Cover affixed with complete set of stamps S$20.00*
  • Presentation Pack S$20.95*
* Prices inclusive of prevailing GST for purchases within Singapore

PHOTO: New Pond Life Stamps From Singapore
Posted on March 18th, 2011 by Francis

Technical Details

  • Date of Issue : 16 February 2011
  • Denominations : S$1.10, $2.00, $5.00, $10.00
  • Stamp Size : 50mm x 30mm
  • Perforation : 14
  • Sheet Content : 50
  • Paper : Unwatermarked
  • Printing Process : Rotogravure
  • Printer : Joh Enschede Security Print
  • Designer : Eric Kong (Design Vizio)


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