Tuesday, March 23, 2010


HELMI YUSOF, helmi@sph.com.sg

PHOTO: DOGGIE DAY OUT: RazorTV’s Amanda Wong sized up the cute pooches that came in all shapes and sizes at the recent Hotdog Carnival. (PHOTO: RAZORTV)

FANCY your dog lapping up French cuisine?
Or a luxurious massage for pooches by a trained masseuse?

Ever wanted to communicate with your cat?

PHOTO: http://image.razor.tv/site/servlet/contentblob/9120/Amanda/memberPicture.jpg

Come to RazorTV to find out more.

RazorTV, the country’s only hyper-local video news channel, knows how much Singaporeans love pets.

And we’ve covered a wide range of stories to address this.

After all, pet ownership here has jumped by a third in the last five years.

Today, more than 42,000 households keep dogs, while approximately 60,000 households have cats. There are no available figures of households with fish, hamsters or birds.

Recently, RazorTV went to a Hotdog Carnival where more than 500 proud owners turned up with their beloved pooches.

The canines were decked out in scarves, frilly dresses and cute little booties that would make anyone go “aaaww”.

Everyone looked like they had a good time, but the pooches seemed especially thrilled.

There were dog food stands, fun games, photo-taking booths and other attractions to make them go “Woof!”.

Indeed, the Hotdog Carnival was just one of the activities that pet owners are treating their four-legged friends to.

For $30 an hour, dog lovers are taking their best friends to swimming lessons, and for $30 more, relaxing massages by trained animal therapists.

There are Christmas party for dogs, fine French cuisine cooked just for dogs and dog fashion shows.

All these stories can be found on RazorTV.

But RazorTV doesn’t just cover the bright, fun side of things. We have also taken a good, hard look at controversial issues such as animal abuse, cat culling and declawing and the growing problem of lost and abandoned pets.

Why are some 9,000 pets dumped at the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals every year?

Why do some vets refuse to declaw cats, even though their owners say they are ruining the furniture?

And why do hundreds of pet owners lose their pets every month?

RazorTV has investigated those issues and found some surprising answers.

On the quirky side of things, RazorTV recently interviewed a woman who claimed she could talk to animals – from cats and dogs to cockroaches and fish. Really.

At a session she conducted for pet owners, she told them what their pets have wanted to say to them for years, but were not able to.

Is she a real-life Dr Dolittle?
Or is she just a quack?

Watch our videos and decide for yourself.

Exclusively on RazorTV.
By HELMI YUSOF, helmi@sph.com.sg

PHOTO: http://image.razor.tv/site/servlet/contentblob/9106/Christina/memberPicture.jpg


Wide range: 宽大的范围 - kuān dà de fàn wéi
Culling: 去杂 - qù zá
Declaw: 剪除动物的抓 - jiǎn chú dòng wù de zhuǎ
Quack: 庸医 - yōng yī

The Straits Times RazorTV, the 100 per cent Singaporean video news channel, offers unique, rich and comprehensive coverage of Singaporean news and views, entertainment, lifestyle and sports stories and events. Its engaging and edgy style and tone are especially appealing to Internet users in the 18-40 years age group.
www.razortv.com.sg, e-mail: razortv@sph.com.sg


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