Monday, October 5, 2009

Ez-link Giro top-up - Part 10 (Online Only - Ez-Reload: Frustrated at every step)

Updated 03:00 PM Oct 05, 2009
Letter from Sean Tan

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Online Only - ez-Reload: Frustrated at every step

All those horrible experiences with ez-Reload are all true. I am one of those frustrated customers.

Many months ago, when the new ez-link cards were rolled out, I wanted to exchange my old card for the new one, but I was told that my card couldn't be exchanged as it was Giro-linked. If I'd wanted a new card, I'd have to buy a new one. For an exchange, I'd have to wait for a notification letter.

And so many months later, I received the letter, telling me that I have to exchange for the new card within two months, before my old card expired. That's really quite inconsiderate, I thought - not everyone passes by a ticket office often - people like me only pass by an MRT station during weekends.

Anyway I went to a ticket office to do the exchange on the next Saturday - naturally the queue was quite long. But after the long wait, I was told I couldn't get a new card because my card had just been topped up through Giro.

A card can only be exchanged when it hasn't been topped up in the last five days. I didn't remember this being communicated through the media or my notification letter. And seriously, how silly is this system to have such a restriction?

So I dutifully waited for five days and went to the ticket office again. This time, I was told that I'd have to reapply for the link to Giro (now known as ez-Reload) - all this while when I was waiting, I'd thought that they'd needed a longer time to prepare the system to convert our old Giro-linked cards automatically.

If I am getting a new card that is the same as the other non-Giro-linked cards and I have to reapply for the Giro link, why did I have to wait for so long?

Feeling really puzzled and grumpy (and not wanting to vent my frustrations on the person at the counter - after all, she's just an employee), I nonetheless applied for the ez-Reload on the spot, filled in the application form and chose the "reload" amount to be $50 - since there is going to be an administrative fee imposed on every reload, I thought I'd select a larger reload amount so that the card didn't need to be "reloaded" so often.

Another two weeks passed and I received a letter to tell me that my application was successful, and I have to go to a counter to "activate" the card before the ez-Reload starts to work. I was already quite perplexed by then.

Why did I have to go through so many steps to get my card working properly? Why couldn't they just send me a new properly Giro-linked EZ-Link card when even credit cards could be mailed directly to our house? They'd rather send all these silly letters to make me go to the ticket office?

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In any case, I'd decided to stomach all that since I seemed to be just one step away from getting my ez-Reload card. I noticed an error, however, on the letter - I had chosen the reload amount to be $50, but the letter stated it to be $30. So I went to the ticket office to "activate" my card and to tell them that there was a mistake.

Then I was told that the first Reload application would always be $30 (then why did I have to make an option on the application form?) and if I wanted the Reload amount to be $50, I'd have to cancel this application and reapply.

This was it. Spent the next five minutes lashing out on the person at the counter on the ridiculously silly ez-Reload system which is not easy at all. Then when I finally calmed myself down (realising the queue that I was holding up behind me), I told the lady that I was not reapplying and she should just activate my card at the reload amount of $30.

Then came the most exciting news of it all.

The ez-Link card number on the activation letter did not tally with my card, so she couldn't activate my card. The lady then asked if I possessed more than one EZ-Link card - I said I didn't, and she said there's nothing she could do. I'd have to call up the company if I want to get my ez-Reload.

I give up. I shall just top up my card manually.

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